Our place together before God as, THE TABLE PROMISE:

We see our place together before God as at the table.  All of us come to the table because we are in need.  Each of us promises that we will come, time-and-again, as we are called by the Host, the Lord Jesus Christ.  Coming to the table means Holy communion that we celebrate, but more, too.  We also see that we are often called to feasts of fellowship at the table, and that these circles of fellowship need to take in those we see as different, as “the other.”

As we come to the table each time, we promise to take our places in humility before the Host, rather than being self-appointed gate-keepers. While at the table, we rub shoulders with all others there who have also been called by the Host.

Then something miraculous happens at the table as we pass the food to take care of each other’s needs, and hear their stories which we might never have heard except at the table.  We are able to see each, despite of how we had seen them before, as now through the Host’s eyes instead of our own.

So, we go away each time having grown from our time there, and more able to live and understand God’s promise for us as a human family.

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