DisciplesNet Weekly Prayer for the People, 23 May 2015

Marci McGowan
This week's prayer comes from Marci McGowan and our DisciplesNet prayer team. Marci currently works as a housekeeper in a retreat center in North Carolina. Marci has been active in helping with the leadership of DisciplesNet Church since 2010 and has written many devotions and prayers.
Let us pray:
Dear God, this week there are many things on our hearts and minds.
We pray to you in concern for the troubles across the world: from the terrible heat wave in India, to floods in China, earthquake recovery in Nepal, shootouts with police in Mexico, oil spills and drought in North America, refugees and migrants at risk at sea and in refugee camps as they are desperate for new life; of terrorism, ongoing wars, new battles between rulers in countries, struggles between law enforcement and the people they work to protect, especially when things go wrong.
We pray to the Lord: "Lord, hear our prayers."
We thank you for the gift of life, and ask that you help reach and touch the hearts of those who see the best way of finding glory for themselves or their faith is to take others' lives, bringing death, terror, pain and destruction. It hurts when we hear that this killing is often justified by thinking that the lives they take are good for nothing because they are different--the wrong people, the wrong faith, wrong race, or some other reasons that they need to be wiped off the earth. But God, we know that each life matters to you. Each of your children matter to you, even if no one else knows they exist. Please help us learn to build up each other and our societies by helping instead of hurting each other. Please help us to learn stronger and better ways to share your love with all people.
We pray to the Lord: "Lord, hear our prayers."
This week in the USA is observed Memorial Day, a time of remembering those who have died in service of the country. For people living in each country reading this, please help us to remember and thank the men and women of our land who have given their lives in trying to bring freedom and a better life. Thank you for those who have sacrificed of themselves for other’s freedoms, who have given and are giving of themselves to make the world a better place.
Please help us so that we do not take for granted the good things we have in our lives that come from the sacrifices of those before us. Thank you for our reminders of special days that cause us to pause and to think of the real cost of freedom, and the difficulties in working together with people around the world to care for all people, not just those who share our own country, race, or culture. Help us to realize and cherish the price of freedom and of peace, and work so that children across the world can grow up knowing safety, love, freedom, and peace.
We pray to the Lord: "Lord, hear our prayers."
Also, we pray for our countries’ leaders who make decisions affecting so many people within that country and in the world, because we are all connected. Please help our world leaders to know best how to handle the tough situations that are happening in this age in the world and uniquely in each land.
We pray to the Lord: "Lord, hear our prayers."
We also need to mindful of the continuing problem of local communities dealing with government, police, racial, cultural, and interfaith relationships. Please help us figure out how to keep interactions peaceful and helpful. Please empower people to relate to each other in good and upbuilding ways rather than in violence, fear, and loss of life. In the meantime, we are thankful for those who sacrifice their own safety and security to bring justice in wise and helpful ways.
We pray to the Lord: "Lord, hear our prayers."
We need to be in prayer for the places in the world where delicate ecosystems and wildlife are in trouble or even destroyed. Some of this comes from human hands, some from natural causes. God, as we pray for our own lives, help us to remember to pray for all life and the balance of life that you have put before us.
We pray to the Lord: "Lord, hear our prayers."
Right now we are in the start of the traditional summer season of warm temperatures in much of the North, and at the same time the cold of winter to many parts of the South--and other places where the seasons stay much the same. Whether we live in parts of the world where the seasons change or not, please help us to be mindful of the need for renewal, for the body and mind to have rest and to “keep the sabbath holy.”
We thank you for the blessing of times of rest and refreshment, for a sense of hope and purpose. Help us to be in prayer for the sick and those who are unable to get rest. Please be with those in pain, in grief, in despair, and help them to find your peace, even in the storms of life. We give thanks for those who provide services that help others find rest, restoration, and peace.
We pray to the Lord: "Lord, hear our prayers."
In many places, the month of May is a special time to think about Mental Illness, of those who have challenges with their own mental health, or that of loved ones, even of strangers. Please help us to compassionately try to understand those who have trouble dealing with their illnesses. Please help individuals, families, and health care providers to work together to get the best care possible during the difficult times of their lives. Please help us not to judge or condemn those who are ill, but instead to walk with them. For those who are lonely or have an illness, we pray that you, dear God, will give them a grace to know that they are not alone in their suffering.
We pray to the Lord: "Lord, hear our prayers."
We thank you this day for the gift of the church, of that Pentecost so many years ago where your Holy Spirit moved among your people. Please help us be your servants wherever we live, so that the church may continue to grow where we live, and share your Good News with all people. Please help us help the Holy Spirit become alive in our lives and world as we grow in our faith.
All these things we pray now to the Lord: "Lord, hear our prayers."