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This week in Worship:
- DisciplesNet Worship #770 Epiphany 4 – (Cobb 02.02.2025)
To watch this worship service on YouTube, click here.
If there is one thing that Christians should focus on, what would it be? Pastor Anita speaks to us from 1 Corinthians 13 about how love is the key to our lives of faith.
Join us for just over 28 minutes of worship, prayer, scripture, a number of favorite hymns, and communion. You may choose to participate or simply meditate as we tell of Jesus' invitation to "do this in remembrance of me." If you would like to share with us at the table that goes beyond earthly boundaries of time, place, and structure, we ask that you prepare a piece of bread of some type and a drink such as grape juice, wine, or water. As we pray, our prayers extend to where you are. If you are unable to eat or drink, you may want to use a symbolic gesture or mental symbol as you come together at this table of remembrance with us.
(Scroll down for an Order of Worship)We hope that as you join us for worship you will feel a blessing from being part. Please tell friends, family, and others you know about our online church that is here with doors that are always open, walls as wide as the world, and always room at the table.
- Opening music: "O Love that Will Not Let Me Go" - Bev Heid
- "the Gift of Love" - Dean Phelps
- Pastor's Prayer with Lord's Prayer - Pastor Deb
- "Love Divine All Loves Excelling" - Dean Phelps
- 1 Corinthians 13:1-13
- "Weave" - Southport Christian Church
- Message "Love is the Key" - pastor Anita
- "They'll Know We Are Christians" - Phoebe Spier and Dean Phelps
- Communion: Pastor Bob
- "Come Share the Lord" - DisciplesNet singers
- Sending Out - pastor Anita
- Credits -- closing music: "O Love that Will Not Let Me Go" - Bev Heid
If you would like to chat with one of our pastors, including talking more about belief in God, becoming a Christian or following Christ, or living as a disciple of Christ, please email us at, or contact us using the contact information on our website,, or our Facebook page, DisciplesNet Church.
DisciplesNet Church is a not-for-profit church that exists to cross barriers and boundaries to share the Good News of God's redeeming love. We rely on the gifts of our online viewers as we continue to grow and extend our nets around the world.We also extend the invitation for you to be part of the DisciplesNet ministry by giving a one-time gift, or ongoing, including a tithe. Even the smallest of gifts, like the mustard seed, has a way of growing in amazing ways to share God's word and the love of Jesus Christ. We have a giving page on our website,, and email address:
God bless you and thank you for joining us!
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Services by Month:
- -Advent, Christmas, and Epiphany Worship Services
- -All Saints Day Services
- -In Memory of Rahul Nirmal
- -Lent, Holy Week, and Easter Worship Services and Readings
- -World Communion Services and Resources
- DisciplesNet Blue Christmas Meditation and Worship reprise, “Bones & Breath” (12.25.2023)
- DisciplesNet World-Wide Worship #001, “Easter Effects,” in English, Burmese, Chin.
- DisciplesNet Worship “Treasures in Jars of Clay” (Smith 06.11.2017)
- DisciplesNet Worship # 1, Richard Propes (11/14/10)
- DisciplesNet Worship # 2, Lashaundra Smith (11/21/10)
- DisciplesNet Worship # 3, Thanksgiving Blessings, (11/25/10)
- DisciplesNet Worship # 4, Advent (Phelps, 11/28/10)
- DisciplesNet Worship # 5, Advent 2 (12.05.10, Shaw)
- DisciplesNet Worship # 6, Advent 3 (12.12.10, Borschel)
- DisciplesNet Worship # 7, Advent 4 (12.19.10, Propes)
- DisciplesNet Worship # 8, Christmas Lessons & Carols (12.25.10)
- DisciplesNet Worship # 9, Kite strings (Phelps, 01.01.2011)
- DisciplesNet Worship # 10, “Epiphany” (Shaw, 01-09-2011)
- DisciplesNet Worship # 11, “The First Breakfast.” (Phelps, 01-16-2011)
- DisciplesNet Worship # 12, “Caught up in Christ’s Net” (Borschel 01-23-2011)
- DisciplesNet Worship # 13, “Just What is God Asking of Us?” (DNet team 01-30-2011)
- DisciplesNet Worship # 14, “This Little Light” (Phelps, 02-06-2011)
- DisciplesNet Worship # 15, “Oh, yes, Lord” (Perkins, 02-13-2011)
- DisciplesNet Worship # 16, “In Search of Compassion” (Propes, 02-20-2011)
- DisciplesNet Worship # 17, “This is the Treasure” (Borschel, 02-27-2011)
- DisciplesNet Worship # 18, “The Bargain of a Lifetime” (Shaw, 03-06-2011)
- DisciplesNet Worship # 19, Ash Wednesday (Perkins 03-09-11)
- DisciplesNet Worship # 20, “In God’s Eyes” (Phelps 03-13-2011)
- DisciplesNet Worship # 21, “Shipwrecked?” (Allen 03-20-11)
- DisciplesNet Worship # 22, “How Thirsty Are You?” (Jones, 03-27-2011)
- DisciplesNet Worship # 23, “Sight & Insight” (Borschel, 04-03-2011)
- DisciplesNet Worship # 24, “Can These Bones Live?,” (Shaw, 04 10 11)
- DisciplesNet Worship # 25, “Surrender” (Propes, Palm Sunday, 04-17-2011)
- DisciplesNet Worship # 26, Maundy Thursday (Spaulding, 04 21 11)
- DisciplesNet Worship # 27, Roll The Stone Away
- DisciplesNet Worship # 28, “Fearless Thomas” (Shaw 05 01 11)
- DisciplesNet Worship # 29, “Breaking of the Bread” (Borschel 05-08-2011)
- DisciplesNet Worship # 30, “The Good Shepherd” (Jones 05 15 11)
- DisciplesNet Worship # 31, “Planted by the Water” (Shaw 05 22 11)
- DisciplesNet Worship # 32, “A Place for Healing” (Perkins 05 29 11)
- DisciplesNet Worship # 33, Sowers’ Soils,” (Allen, 06-05-11)
- DisciplesNet Worship # 34 The Gift of Pentecost
- DisciplesNet Worship # 35, “Who tells the Spirit?” (Shaw 06 12 11)
- DisciplesNet Worship # 36, “Telling the Old, Old Story” (Phelps 06 19 11)
- DisciplesNet Worship # 37, “The Sacrifice” (Shaw 06 26 11)
- DisciplesNet Worship # 38. “Yoked with Christ” (Borschel 07 03 11)
- DisciplesNet Worship # 39, “Finding Your Place” (Edwards 07 17 11)
- DisciplesNet Worship # 40, “Who Shall Deliver Me?” (Allen 07 24 11)
- DisciplesNet Worship # 41, “They Need Not Go Away” (Shaw 07 31 11)
- DisciplesNet Worship # 42, “Faith Confronts Fear,” (Borschel 08 07 11)
- DisciplesNet Worship # 43, “Be One” (Phelps, 08-13-11)
- DisciplesNet Worship # 44, “Great Confession,” (Perkins, 08-21-11)
- DisciplesNet Worship # 45, “Who Do You Say?” (Shaw, 08-28-11)
- DisciplesNet Worship # 46, “Ninety-nine & one” (Phelps, 09 04 11)
- DisciplesNet Worship # 47, “When Cultures Clash,” (Phelps, 09 11 11)
- DisciplesNet Worship # 48, “The Generosity of Grace” (Borschel 09 18 11)
- DisciplesNet Worship # 49, “Is the Lord With Us?” (Perkins, 09 25 11)
- DisciplesNet Worship # 50, “Outside the Camp” (Shaw, 10 02 2011)
- DisciplesNet Worship # 51, “The Third Side of the Coin” (Borschel 10 09 2011)
- DisciplesNet Worship # 52, “Glimpses of the Kingdom (D Spleth, 10 16 11)
- DisciplesNet Worship # 53, “The Invitation,” (Phelps 10-23-11)
- DisciplesNet Worship # 54, “Cleo’s Cloud,” (Shaw 10 30 11)
- DisciplesNet Worship # 55, “For All the Saints” (Borschel 11 6 11)
- DisciplesNet Worship # 56 (Phelps 11 20 11)
- DisciplesNet Worship # 57, Advent 1: Hope (Manns 11 27 11)
- DisciplesNet Worship # 58, Advent 2, “In Defense of Scrooge” (Shaw, 12-04-2011)
- DisciplesNet Worship # 59, Advent 3, “Joy is a Net” (Borschel, 12-11-2011)
- DisciplesNet Worship # 60, Advent 4, (Dean Phelps, 12.18.11)
- DisciplesNet Worship # 61, Christmas Eve Festival of Lessons and Carols 2011 (12-24-2011)
- DisciplesNet Worship # 62, Hope for the Holidays, Phelps, 12-25-2011
- DisciplesNet Worship # 63, New Year’s, (Shaw, 01-01-2012)
- DisciplesNet Worship # 64, “A Christmas Gift,” (Phelps, 01.10.2012)
- DisciplesNet Worship # 65, “Speak, Lord” (Borschel, 01 15 2012)
- DisciplesNet Worship # 66, “Essential” (Allen 01 22 12)
- DisciplesNet Worship # 67, “Word Power” (Shaw 01 29 2012)
- DisciplesNet Worship # 68, “Uncommon” (Phelps 02 05 12)
- DisciplesNet Worship # 69, “Heirs of Compassion,” (Borschel, 02 12 12)
- DisciplesNet Worship # 70, “Hospitality” (Spaulding, 02 19 2012)
- DisciplesNet Worship # 71, Ash Wednesday, (Edwards, 02-12-2012)
- DisciplesNet Worship # 72, “He Set his Face,” Shaw 02-26-2012
- DisciplesNet Worship # 73, “Not As they Seem” (Raley 03 04 2012)
- DisciplesNet Worship # 74, “Whom Will You Serve?” (Moore, 03 11 2012)
- DisciplesNet Worship # 75, “Three Snake Stories” (Borschel 03.18.2012)
- DisciplesNet Worship # 76, “Are We There Yet?” (Shaw, 03.25.2012)
- DisciplesNet Worship # 77, Palm Sunday, (Allen 04.01.2012)
- DisciplesNet Worship # 77b, Maundy Thursday, Spaulding (4.21.11 repeat)
- DisciplesNet Worship # 78, Special, The Passion of Christ
- DisciplesNet Worship # 79, Easter (Phelps 04-08-12)
- DisciplesNet Worship # 80, “Thomas the Builder” (Hill 04.15.2012)
- DisciplesNet Worship # 81, “Is Your Heart Still Burning?” (Borschel, 04.22.12)
- DisciplesNet Worship # 82, “The Good Shepherd” (Shaw 04.29.2012)
- DisciplesNet Worship # 83, “Where Prayers are Answered,” (Phelps, 05.06.2012)
- DisciplesNet Worship # 84, “The Loop of God’s Love” (Borschel, 05.13.2012)
- DisciplesNet Worship # 85, “In Troubled Waters” (Edwards, 05.20.2012)
- DisciplesNet Worship # 86, Pentecost (Smith, 05.27.2012)
- DisciplesNet Worship # 87, “Nicodemus at Night,” (Shaw 6.03.2012)
- DisciplesNet Worship # 88, “God is With Us,” (D.Spleth 6.10.2012)
- DisciplesNet Worship # 89, “All is a New Creation,” (Borschel 6.17.2012)
- DisciplesNet Worship # 90, “Giant Trouble,” (Smith 6.24.2012)
- DisciplesNet Worship # 91, “Will There Be Time?” (Allen 07.01.2012)
- DisciplesNet Worship # 92, “A Prophet Among Us,” (Shaw 07.08.2012)
- DisciplesNet Worship # 93, “What’s right with you” (Phelps, 07.15.2012)
- DisciplesNet Worship # 94, “Working on a Building,” (DisciplesNet Phelps, 07.22.2012)
- DisciplesNet Worship # 95, “Multiplication Miracles,” (Russ Smith, 07.29.2012)
- DisciplesNet Worship # 96, “Only One Thing to Do,” Callie Smith (08.05.2012)
- DisciplesNet Worship # 97, “Difficult to Swallow,” (Borschel, 08.12.2012)
- DisciplesNet Worship # 98, “Keeping the Bread Fresh,” (Shaw 08.19.2012)
- DisciplesNet Worship # 99, “Not Expendable,” (Russ Smith 08.26.2012)
- DisciplesNet Worship #100, “How Do You Say ‘Thanks?'” (Phelps, 09.02.2012)
- DisciplesNet Worship #101, “All the World,” (Shaw, 09.09.12)
- DisciplesNet Worship #102, “Go in Peace” (Shaw 09.16.2012)
- DisciplesNet Worship #103, “Significant Insignificance,” (RSmith, 09.23.2012)
- DisciplesNet Worship #104, “The Second Question,” (Borschel, 10.07.12)
- DisciplesNet Worship #105 “Solomon’s Sword,” (Phelps 10.21.2012)
- DisciplesNet Worship #106, “How to be a great Church,” (Shaw, 10.21.2012)
- DisciplesNet Worship #107,” What is Your Response?” (Cobb 10.28.2012)
- DisciplesNet Worship #109 – “After the Polls Close”, a Prayer Service for National Unity (SCC, 11-06-2012)
- DisciplesNet Worship #110, “Giving Thanks”
- DisciplesNet Worship #111, Second Anniversary worship (Watkins 11.11.2012)
- DisciplesNet Worship #112, “Singing a New Song,” (Propes, 11.25.2012)
- DisciplesNet Worship #113, “History, Mystery, Majesty,” (Shaw, 12.02.2012)
- DisciplesNet Worship #114 “Fire & Soap,” (R. Smith, 12.09.2012)
- DisciplesNet Worship #115 “For Prophets Then and Now,” (Borschel, 12.16.2012)
- DisciplesNet Worship #116 Phelps, “The Continuing Story” (Phelps, 12.18.2012)
- DisciplesNet Worship #117 – Christmas Day Special
- DisciplesNet Worship #118, “Into the New Year” (Cobb, 12.30.2012)
- DisciplesNet Worship #119, “Arise and Shine,” (Shaw 01.06. 2013)
- DisciplesNet Worship #120, “Put on Love” (Bill Johnson, 01.13.2013)
- DisciplesNet Worship #121, “Come and See” (Borschel, 01.20.2013)
- DisciplesNet Worship #122, “Consider the body,” (Russ Smith, 01.27.13)
- DisciplesNet Worship #123, “Nothing Without Love” (Cobb, 02.03.2013)
- DisciplesNet Worship #124, “God Sends Us” (Shaw 02.10.2013)
- DisciplesNet Worship #125, Ash Wednesday 2013
- DisciplesNet Worship #126, “Sowing Compassion” (Gopp 02.17.2013)
- DisciplesNet Worship #127, “Seeing Through Fear” (Phelps 02.24.2013)
- DisciplesNet Worship #128, “The Purposed Word,” (Shaw 03.03.2013)
- DisciplesNet Worship #129, “Come Home” (Smith 03.10.2013)
- DisciplesNet Worship #130, “At Jesus Feet” (Cobb 03.17.2013)
- DisciplesNet Worship #131 “Palm-Passion Sunday 2013”
- DisciplesNet Worship #132 “Maundy Thursday” 2013 (Staff 03.28.2013)
- DisciplesNet Worship #133 “Good Friday” 2013 (Staff 03.29.2013)
- DisciplesNet Worship #134, Easter (Phelps 03-31-13)
- DisciplesNet Worship #135, “Easter, Page Two”(Nirmal 04.07.2013)
- DisciplesNet Worship #136, “May The Scales Fall From My Eyes,” (Borschel, 04.14.2013)
- DisciplesNet Worship #137, “The Shepherd’s Voice” (R.Smith 04.21.2013)
- DisciplesNet Worship #138, Uncensored Prayers (Propes 04.28.2013)
- DisciplesNet Worship #139, “No More Excuses,” (Cobb 05.05.2013)
- DisciplesNet Worship #140, “Release to the Captives,” (Shaw, 05.12.2013)
- DisciplesNet Worship #141,”Out of Hiding”(Gourdet, 05.19.2013)
- DisciplesNet Worship #142, “Being Wheat” (R. Smith, 05.26.2013)
- DisciplesNet Worship #143,”Miracles”(Borschel, 06.09.2013)
- DisciplesNet Worship #144,”Bridges of God” (Phelps, 06.16.2013)
- DisciplesNet Worship #145, “When Love Comes to Town”(Propes, 06.23.2013)
- DisciplesNet Worship #146, “The Potter’s Hands” (Cobb, 06.29.2013)
- DisciplesNet Worship #147, “The Prophet’s Choice” (Shaw, 07.07.2013)
- DisciplesNet Worship #148, “Forget Me Not” (Miller, 07.14.2013)
- DisciplesNet Worship #149, “The Better Part” (Borschel, 07.21.2013)
- DisciplesNet Worship #150, “Imperfect Examples” (R. Smith, 07.28.2013)
- DisciplesNet Worship #151, “What’s Love Got to Do?” (Edwards, 08.04.2013)
- DisciplesNet Worship #152, “Lean In to Jesus” (Propes, 08.11.2013)
- DisciplesNet Worship #153, “Uprooted” (Cobb, 08.18.2013)
- DisciplesNet Worship #154, “Free to Try Again” (Johnson, 08.25.2013)
- DisciplesNet Worship #155, “Living Well” (Phelps, 09.01.2013)
- DisciplesNet Worship #156, “Prophet for Loss” (Smith, 09.08.2013)
- DisciplesNet Worship #157, “In Opportunity’s Time” (Miller, 09.15.2013)
- DisciplesNet Worship #158, “Lost and Found” (Borschel, 09.22.2013)
- DisciplesNet Worship #159, “Fan the Flame” (April Johnson, 09.29.2013)
- DisciplesNet Worship #160, “Impossible Requirements” (Shaw 10.06.2013)
- DisciplesNet Worship #161, “What About You?” (Cobb 10.13.2013)
- DisciplesNet Worship #162 “If You Ever Needed the Lord” (Edwards 10.20.2013)
- DisciplesNet Worship #163 “Lord Have Mercy on Me, A Sinner” (Smith 10.27.2013)
- DisciplesNet Worship #164, “When Saints Come up Short” (D. Phelps 11.03.2013)
- DisciplesNet Worship #165, “Oh, What a Tangled Net,” (R. Spleth 11.10.2013)
- DisciplesNet Worship #166, “Shout for Joy” (Miller 11.17.2013)
- DisciplesNet Worship #167, “Give Thanks” (Borschel 11.24.2013)
- DisciplesNet Worship #168, Advent 1 “The Coming of Hope” (Shaw 12.01.13)
- DisciplesNet Worship #169, Advent 2 “Prayers for Peace” (Shaw 12.08.2013)
- DisciplesNet Worship #170 Advent 3 “The Joy of Waiting” (Cobb 12.15.2013)
- DisciplesNet Worship #171, Advent 4: Loving God into the World, (R. Smith 12.22.2013)
- DisciplesNet Worship #172, “Blue Christmas- The Longest Night” (Grogan 12.21.2013)
- DisciplesNet Worship #173, “Love Dwells Here” (Propes 12.29.2013)
- DisciplesNet Worship #174, “Light of the World” (Borschel, 01.05.2014)
- DisciplesNet Worship #175, “Chosen” (Shaw 01.12.2014)
- DisciplesNet Worship #176, “Bold Faith, No Fear” (Cobb)
- DisciplesNet Worship #177, “Being Beloved” (N. Pittman, 01.24.2014)
- DisciplesNet Worship #179, “You Can Get There From Here” (R. Smith, 02.09.2014
- DisciplesNet Worship #180, “Blessed are You” (Borschel, 02.16.2014)
- DisciplesNet Worship #181, “The Power to Choose” (Dean Phelps, 02.23.2014)
- DisciplesNet Worship #182, “Going Down the Mountain” (Shaw, 03.02.2014)
- DisciplesNet Worship #183 “Ash Wednesday”
- DisciplesNet Worship #184, “Prepared,” (Cobb 03.09.2014)
- DisciplesNet Worship #185, “Born From Above” (R.Smith 03.16.2014)
- DisciplesNet Worship #186, “Where Waters Meet” (DebPhelps 03.23.2014)
- DisciplesNet Worship #187, “Seeing the Messiah” (Grogan 03.30.2014)
- DisciplesNet Worship #188, “It’s Not About You, Lazarus” (Shaw 04.06.2014)
- DisciplesNet Worship #189, “Cheers or Jeers, God’s Here” (Propes 04.13.2014)
- DisciplesNet Worship #190, “Easter: Beyond the Empty Tomb” (Smith 04.20.2014)
- DisciplesNet Worship #192, “Just Like Us” (Shaw 05.04.2014)
- DisciplesNet Worship #193, “Knowing the Shepherd’s Voice” (Cobb 05.11.2014)
- DisciplesNet Worship #194, “Beyond the Story” (Grogan 05.18.2014)
- DisciplesNet Worship #195, “Picturing the Holy Spirit” (Smith 05.25.2014)
- DisciplesNet Worship #196, “Choices” (Shaw 06.01.2014)
- DisciplesNet Worship #197, “Be God’s” (Phelps 07.08.2014)
- DisciplesNet Worship #198, “…And it was Good” (Shaw 06.15.2014)
- DisciplesNet Worship #199, “Suitable Thoughts about Sin” (Cobb 06.22.2014)
- DisciplesNet Worship #200, “Out of the Thicket” (Smith 06.29.2014)
- DisciplesNet Worship #201, “Be Joyful, Courageous Followers of Christ (Propes 07.06.2014)
- DisciplesNet Worship #202, “The Sower” (Dean Phelps, 07.13.2014)
- DisciplesNet Worship #203, “The Gardener” (Deb Phelps 07.20.2014
- DisciplesNet Worship #204, “To Pray as We Ought” (Shaw, 07.27.2014)
- DisciplesNet Worship #205, “At the Heart of Things” (Propes, 08.03.2014)
- DisciplesNet Worship #206, “A Dream Deferred ” (Jackson 08.10.2014)
- DisciplesNet Worship #207, “Dream Your Dream ” (Cobb 08.17.2014)
- DisciplesNet Worship #208, “Upon this Rock” (R. Smith 08.24.2014)
- DisciplesNet Worship #209, “When Conflict Comes” (Grogan 08.31.2014)
- DisciplesNet Worship #210, “Seeing Christ in New Ways” (Smith 09.07.2014)
- DisciplesNet Worship #211, “At the Table with Jesus” (Allen 09.14.2014)
- DisciplesNet Worship #212, “A Table in the Wilderness” (Barkhauer 09.21.2014)
- DisciplesNet Worship #213, “A Table of Provision for All” (A. Smith 09.28.2014)
- DisciplesNet Worship #214, “Abiding at the Table of Jesus” (Deb Phelps 10.05.2014)
- DisciplesNet Worship #215, “Be of One Mind” (Shaw 10.12.2014)
- DisciplesNet Worship #216, “Finding Ways to Love” (Borschel encore, 10.19.2014)
- DisciplesNet Worship #217, “Simply Love” (R. Smith 10.26.2014)
- DisciplesNet Worship #218, “Blessed Hesed” (Grogan 11.02.2014)
- DisciplesNet Worship #219, “The Unscripted Journey” (Propes 11.09.2014)
- DisciplesNet Worship #221 “Giving Thanks More Fully” (Shaw 11.23.2014)
- DisciplesNet Worship #222 “Hope in Hopelessness” (Grogan 11.30.2014)
- DisciplesNet Worship #223, “The Word Incarnate” Advent 2 (Deb Phelps 12.07.2014)
- DisciplesNet Worship #224, “The Word Goes Out” Advent 3 (R. Smith, 12.14.2014)
- DisciplesNet Worship #225, “The Word in the World” Advent 4 (Dn. Phelps, 12.21.2014)
- DisciplesNet Worship #226 Christmas (Shaw, 12.25.2014)
- DisciplesNet Worship #227, “Blue Christmas” (12.25.2014, (Propes)
- DisciplesNet Worship #228, “Joint Heirs” Christmas1 (Cobb, 12.28.2014)
- DisciplesNet Worship #229, “Arise! Shine! (R Smith, 01.04.2015)
- DisciplesNet Worship #230, “Baptized and Called” (Shaw, 01.11.2015)
- DisciplesNet Worship #231, “Come and See” (R Smith, 01.18.2015)
- DisciplesNet Worship #232, “A Piece of the Action,” (Grogan, 01.25.2015)
- DisciplesNet Worship #233, “Cleaning the Church” (Phelps, 02 01 2015)
- DisciplesNet Worship #234, “Where Eagles Soar” (Phelps, 02 08 2015)
- DisciplesNet Worship #235, “Counterpart Transfiguration” (Smith, 02.15.2015)
- DisciplesNet Worship #236 “Ash Wednesday 2015”
- DisciplesNet Worship #237, “When Temptation Comes” (Shaw, 02.22.2015)
- DisciplesNet Worship #238, “Which Hill?” (Db Phelps, 03.01.2015)
- DisciplesNet Worship #239, “Sacred Spaces” (Smith, 03.08.2015)
- DisciplesNet Worship #240, “A Clean, Well-Lighted Place” (Shaw, 03.15.2015)
- DisciplesNet Worship #241, March 22, 2015
- DisciplesNet Worship #242, “Palm Sunday” (Smith, 03.29.2015)
- DisciplesNet Worship #244, “Waking up to Easter” (Shaw 04.05.2015)
- DisciplesNet Worship #245, “Five Fingers and Faith” (Spleth 04.12.2015)
- DisciplesNet Worship #246, “Disciples at Dawn” (Db Phelps 04.19.2015)
- DisciplesNet Worship #247, “A Royal Priesthood of All” (Shaw 04.26.2015)
- DisciplesNet Worship #248, “Healthy Humility” (Smith 05.03.2015)
- DisciplesNet Worship #249, “Sufficient” (DisciplesNet Phelps 05.10.2015)
- DisciplesNet Worship #250, “Together at the Table,” Pam Holt, 05 17 2015
- DisciplesNet Worship #251, “Bridge Builders,” Pentecost, Db Phelps 05.24.2015)
- DisciplesNet Worship #252, “Treasures in Jars of Clay,” R. Smith (05.31.2015)
- DisciplesNet Worship #253, “The Whole Family of God” (Gilvin 06.07.2015)
- DisciplesNet Worship #254, “The Unlikely Servant” (Shaw 06.14.2015)
- DisciplesNet Worship #255, “Faith amidst Fear” (R. Smith 06.21.2015)
- DisciplesNet Worship #256, “At Least He Leaped” (Shaw 06.28.2015)
- DisciplesNet Worship #257, “Points of Grace” (Phelps 07.05.2015)
- DisciplesNet Worship #258, “The Center Will Hold” (R. Smith 07.12.2015)
- DisciplesNet Worship #259, The Necessary Thing” (J. Jackson Jr. 07.19.2015)
- DisciplesNet Worship #260, “To Win the Prize,”(Shaw 07.26.2015)
- DisciplesNet Worship #261, “The Bread of Life,”(R Smith 08.02.2015)
- DisciplesNet Worship #262, “Oh, My Shattered Nerves!” (DbPhelps 08.09.2015)
- DisciplesNet Worship #263, “The Gift is You”(Smith 08.16.2015)
- DisciplesNet Worship #264, “Fresh Bread “(Shaw 08.23.2015)
- DisciplesNet Worship #265, “Coming Clean,”(Smith 08.30.2015)
- DisciplesNet Worship #266, End Racism Sunday: The Miracle of Love,”(T. James 09.06.2015)
- DisciplesNet Worship #267, “Just Say It,”(Shaw 09.13.2015)
- DisciplesNet Worship #268, “Do you Want Healing?,”(Webb 09.20.2015)
- DisciplesNet Worship #269, “Drop it!,”(Smith 09.27.2015)
- DisciplesNet Worship #270, “Master Pieces”(Phelps 10.04.2015)
- DisciplesNet Worship #271, “Rich Enough” (Shaw 10.11.2015)
- DisciplesNet Worship #272, “Jesus Paid it All” (Webb 10.18.2015)
- DisciplesNet Worship #273, “God is There” (Smith 10.25.2015)
- DisciplesNet Worship #274, “Living God’s Love” (Shaw 11.01.2015)
- DisciplesNet Worship #275, “Gifts of the Heart” (Webb 11.08.2015)
- DisciplesNet Worship #276 “Five Prayers” (11.15.2015)
- DisciplesNet Worship #277 Christ the King (Smith, 11.22.2015)
- DisciplesNet Worship #278 Advent 1: “Hope and Promise” (Shaw, 11.29.2015)
- DisciplesNet Worship #279 Advent 2: “Don’t Fear the Fire” Webb, (12.06.2015)
- DisciplesNet Worship #280 Advent 3: “Joy in Darkness” (Borschel, 12.13.2015)
- DisciplesNet Worship #281 Advent 4: “You, O Bethlehem” (R. Smith, 12.20.2015)
- DisciplesNet Worship #282 – Blue Christmas Meditation, “Bones & Breath” (12.25.2015)
- DisciplesNet Worship #283 “Let the Child Grow, ” (Shaw 12.27.2015)
- DisciplesNet Worship #284, “Cue the Son” (Dycus, 01.03.2016)
- DisciplesNet Worship #285, “To Save the World ” (Phelps, 01.10.2016)
- DisciplesNet Worship #286, “Reflections,” (Smith 01.17.2016)
- DisciplesNet Worship #287, “Messiah’s Task,” (Shaw 01.24.2016)
- DisciplesNet Worship #288, “Prophetic People,” (Grogan 01.31.2016)
- DisciplesNet Worship #289, “Matthias Got Up,” (Webb 02.07.2016)
- DisciplesNet Worship #290, “So Close” (Smith 02.14.2016)
- DisciplesNet Worship #291, “Frog Kissing” (Shaw 02.21.2016)
- DisciplesNet Worship #292, “Repent, Nurture” (Huber 02.28.2016)
- DisciplesNet Worship #293, “The Forgotten Son ” (Grogan 03.06.2016)
- DisciplesNet Worship #294, “Pressing On” (Smith 03.13.2016)
- DisciplesNet Worship #295, “Four Words for Palm Sunday” (Shaw 03.20.2016)
- DisciplesNet Worship #296, “Eavesdropping on Easter,” (Webb 03.27.2016)
- DisciplesNet Worship #297, “Peace Be With You” (Spleth 04.03.2016)
- DisciplesNet Worship #299, “In-Between Times” (Smith 04.17.2016)
- DisciplesNet Worship #300, “In Spite of Ourselves” (Shaw 04.24.2016)
- DisciplesNet Worship #301, “Turning Points (Webb 05.01.2016)
- DisciplesNet Worship #302, “Being One” (Huber 05.08.2016)
- DisciplesNet Worship #303, “All for One“ (Smith 05.15.2016)
- DisciplesNet Worship #304, “Love Rules“ (Munsterman 05.22.2016)
- DisciplesNet Worship #305, “Curing and Healing“ (Shaw 05.29.2016)
- DisciplesNet Worship #306, “Shining Through” (Grogan 06 05 2016)
- DisciplesNet Worship #307, “Confidence” (Smith 06.12.2016)
- DisciplesNet Worship #308, “Be Reconciled” (Huber 06.19.2016)
- DisciplesNet Worship #309, “Confounding Kingdom“ (Grogan 06.26.2016)
- DisciplesNet Worship #310, “Faith Takes a Step” (Webb 07.03.2016)
- DisciplesNet Worship #311, “We Pray for Peace” (Shaw 07.10.2016)
- DisciplesNet Worship #312, “Martha, dear Martha” (Dean Phelps 07.17.2016)
- DisciplesNet Worship #313, “Different but Undivided” (Russ Smith 07.24.2016)
- DisciplesNet Worship #314, “Now I Have Seen You” (Grogan 07.31.2016)
- DisciplesNet Worship #315, “Reflections” (Shaw 08 07 2016)
- DisciplesNet Worship #316, “Called Christians” (Smith 08.14.2016)
- DisciplesNet Worship #317, “Keep the Faith” (Huber 08.21.2017)
- DisciplesNet Worship #318, “Is it Worth It? ” (Smith 08.28.2016)
- DisciplesNet Worship #319, “To Try Again” (Johnson 09.04.2016)
- DisciplesNet Worship #321, “Promises Kept” (Grogan 09.18.2016)
- DisciplesNet Worship #322, “The Time Will Come ” (Shaw 09.25.2016)
- DisciplesNet Worship #323, “Table Talk” (Smith 10.02.2016)
- DisciplesNet Worship #324, “The Just Judge” (Smith 10.09.2016)
- DisciplesNet Worship #325, “Little is Much” (Lewis 10.16.2016)
- DisciplesNet Worship #326, “Watching Things Grow” (10.23.2016)
- DisciplesNet Worship #327, “The Saints Who Have Gone Before Us” (Shaw 10.30.2016)
- DisciplesNet Worship #328, “All Saints, All Together” (Smith 11.06.2016)
- DisciplesNet Worship #330, “Look to the Good Shepherd” (Whipkey 11.20.2016)
- DisciplesNet Worship #331, Advent 1: “Hope in a Season of Fall,” (Smith 11.27..2016)
- DisciplesNet Worship #332, Advent 2: “In Times of Winter, Peace” (Grogan 12.04.2016)
- DisciplesNet Worship #333, Advent 3: “Joy in Spring” (Shaw 12.11.2016)
- DisciplesNet Worship #334, Advent 4: The Summer of God’s Love
- DisciplesNet Worship #335, Christmas “No Room?” (Smith 12.25.2016)
- DisciplesNet Worship #336 Blue Christmas
- DisciplesNet Worship #337, “Epiphany” (Shaw 01.01.2017)
- DisciplesNet Worship #338, “First Sunday after Epiphany” (Smith 01.08.2017)
- DisciplesNet Worship #339 Where Do You Abide? (Grogan 01 15 17)
- DisciplesNet Worship #340 Love-Poetry in Motion (Case 01 22 17)
- DisciplesNet Worship #341 Requirements (Smith 01 29 17)
- DisciplesNet Worship #342, “Speaking and Doing” (Shaw 02.05.2017)
- DisciplesNet Worship #343, “Seeing the Stranger” (Grogan 02.12.2017)
- DisciplesNet Worship #344, ”The Foundation” (Smith 02.19.2017)
- DisciplesNet Worship #346 Ash Wednesday 2017
- DisciplesNet Worship #347, ”Journey to Wholeness” (Smith 03.05.2017)
- DisciplesNet Worship #348, “God Isn’t Finished With You” (Shaw 03.12.2017)
- DisciplesNet Worship #349, Lent 3, (Phelps, 03.19.2017)
- DisciplesNet Worship #350, Lent 4, (Shaw, 03.26.2017)
- DisciplesNet Worship #351, “Learning from Lazarus” (Grogan 04.02.2017)
- DisciplesNet Worship #352, “Not a Mumblin’ Word ” (Smith 04.09.2017)
- DisciplesNet Worship #353, Holy Week Part 1, Maundy Thursday
- DisciplesNet Worship #354, Holy Week Part 2, Good Friday
- DisciplesNet Worship #355, “Easter Sunday 2017” (Shaw 04.16.2017)
- DisciplesNet Worship #356, “Christ is Risen, Indeed!” (Hill 04.23.2017)
- DisciplesNet Worship #357, “Tell and Show” (Smith 04.30.2017)
- DisciplesNet Worship #358, “After the Fire” (Dean Phelps 05.07.2017)
- DisciplesNet Worship #359, “The Shepherd’s Message” (Shaw 05.14.2017)
- DisciplesNet Worship #360, “An Unknown God” (Smith 04.30.2017)
- DisciplesNet Worship #361, Ascension Sunday (Grogan, 28 May 2017)
- DisciplesNet Worship #362,“Pentecost“ (Gourdet 04 June 2017)
- DisciplesNet Worship #364, “Time to Be Church” (Smith 06.18.2017)
- DisciplesNet Worship #365, “Father Abraham” (Shaw 06.25.2017)
- DisciplesNet Worship #366, “In God’s Image” (Grogan 07.02.2017)
- DisciplesNet Worship #367, “How Then Shall We Live?” (Smith 07.09.2017)
- DisciplesNet Worship #368,“God of the Living” (Shaw 07.16.2017)
- DisciplesNet Worship #369,“What We Harvest” (Phelps 07.23.2017)
- DisciplesNet Worship #370,“Master Pieces” (Phelps 07.30.2017)
- DisciplesNet Worship #371,“The Mirror” (Grogan 08.06.2017)
- DisciplesNet Worship #372, “The Reach of Faith,” (Raley 08.13.2017)
- DisciplesNet Worship #374, “Living Sacrifices” (Smith 08.27.2017)
- DisciplesNet Worship #375 “I Will Be With You” (Shaw 09.03.2017)
- DisciplesNet Worship #376 “A Funny Story & a Prophetic Word” (Phelps 09.10.2017)
- DisciplesNet Worship #377 “Disputable Things” (Smith 09.17.2017)
- DisciplesNet Worship #378 “Reluctant Obedience (Shaw 09.24.2017)
- DisciplesNet Worship #380, “Grapes and Grace” (Smith 10.15.2017)
- DisciplesNet Worship #382 “Loaves and Love” (Spencer 10.22.2017)
- DisciplesNet Worship #384, “Celebrating Our Saints” (Shaw 11.05.2017)
- DisciplesNet Worship #385, “Be Holy” (Grogan 11.18.2017) Seventh Anniversary
- DisciplesNet Worship #386, “Got Talent” (Spencer 11.25.2017)
- DisciplesNet Worship #388, Advent 1: “Gathering Hope,” (Smith 12.03.2017)
- DisciplesNet Worship #389, Advent 2: “Finding Peace,” (Shaw 12.10.2017)
- DisciplesNet Worship #390, Advent 3: “Joy is a Net,” (12.17.2017)
- DisciplesNet Worship #391, Advent 4 and Christmas: “Pursuing Love, Seeking Christ,” (Smith 12.24-25.2017)
- DisciplesNet Worship #393, Christmas 1: “Receiving Christ,” (12.31.2017)
- DisciplesNet Worship #394, Epiphany: “The Gift,” (Phelps 1.7.2018)
- DisciplesNet Worship #395, Epiphany 2: (Grogan 1.14.2018)
- DisciplesNet Worship #396, MLK Jr Sunday: (Spencer 1.21.2018)
- DisciplesNet Worship #397, Epiphany 4: (Phelps 1.28.2018)
- DisciplesNet Worship #398, Epiphany 5: (Smith 2.04.2018)
- DisciplesNet Worship #399, Transfiguration: (Shaw 02.11.2018)
- DisciplesNet Worship #400, Lent 1: (Smith 02.18.2018)
- DisciplesNet Worship #401, Lent 2: (Phelps 02.25.2018)
- DisciplesNet Worship #402, Lent 3: (Smith 03.04.2018)
- DisciplesNet Worship #403, Lent 4: (Borschel 03.11.2018)
- DisciplesNet Worship #404, Lent 5: (Smith 03.18.2018)
- DisciplesNet Worship #405, Palm-Passion Sunday: (Propes 03.25.2018)
- DisciplesNet Worship #406, Easter Sunday: (Shaw 04.01.2018)
- DisciplesNet Worship #407, Easter 2: (Smith 04.08.2018)
- DisciplesNet Worship #408, Easter 3: (Phelps 04.15.2018)
- DisciplesNet Worship #409, Easter 4: (Shaw 04.22.2018)
- DisciplesNet Worship #410, Easter 5: (Phelps 04.29.2018)
- DisciplesNet Worship #411, Easter 6: (Miller 05.06.2018)
- DisciplesNet Worship #412, Easter 7: (Shaw 05.13.2018)
- DisciplesNet Worship #413, Pentecost: (Nirmal 05.20.2018)
- DisciplesNet Worship #414: (Smith 05.27.2018)
- DisciplesNet Worship #415: (Shaw 06.03.2018)
- DisciplesNet Worship #416: (Gilvin 06.10.2018)
- DisciplesNet Worship #417: (Smith 06.17.2018)
- DisciplesNet Worship #418: (Shaw 06.24.2018)
- DisciplesNet Worship #419: (Webb 07.01.2018)
- DisciplesNet Worship #420: (Shaw 07.08.2018)
- DisciplesNet Worship #421: (Smith 07.15.2018)
- DisciplesNet Worship #422: (Barkhauer 07.22.2018)
- DisciplesNet Worship #423: (Smith 07.29.2018)
- DisciplesNet Worship #424: (C.Smith 08.05.2018)
- DisciplesNet Worship #425: (Shaw 08.12.2018)
- DisciplesNet Worship #426: (Phelps 08.19.2018)
- DisciplesNet Worship #427: (Smith 08.26.2018)
- DisciplesNet Worship #428: (Smith 09.02.2018)
- DisciplesNet Worship #429: (Shaw 09.09.2018)
- DisciplesNet Worship #430: (Perkins 09.16.2018)
- DisciplesNet Worship #431: (Smith 09.23.2018)
- DisciplesNet Worship #432: (Perkins 09.30.2018)
- DisciplesNet Worship #433: (Propes 10.07.2018)
- DisciplesNet Worship #434: (Smith 10.14.2018)
- DisciplesNet Worship #435: (Webb 10.21.2018)
- DisciplesNet Worship #436: (Grogan 10.28.2018)
- DisciplesNet Worship #437: (Shaw 11.4.2018)
- DisciplesNet Worship #438: (Webb 11.11.2018)
- DisciplesNet Worship #439: (Smith 11.18.2018)
- DisciplesNet Worship #440: (Shaw 11.25.2018)
- DisciplesNet Worship #441: Advent 1 (Smith 12.02.2018)
- DisciplesNet Worship #442: Advent 2 (Phelps 12.09.2018)
- DisciplesNet Worship #443: Advent 3 (Shaw 12.16.2018)
- DisciplesNet Worship #444: Advent 4 (Grogan 12.23.2018)
- DisciplesNet Worship #445: Blue Christmas (Grogan12.24.2018)
- DisciplesNet Worship #446: Christmas Day (Smith12.25.2018)
- DisciplesNet Worship #447: Christmas 1 (Shaw12.30.2018)
- DisciplesNet Worship #448: Epiphany (Smith01.06.2019)
- DisciplesNet Worship #449: Epiphany 2 (Borschel 01.13.2019)
- DisciplesNet Worship #450: Epiphany 3 (Shaw 01.20.2019)
- DisciplesNet Worship #451: Epiphany 4 (Cobb 01.27.2019)
- DisciplesNet Worship #452: Epiphany 5 (Shaw 02.03.2019)
- DisciplesNet Worship #453: Epiphany 6 (Grogan 02.10.2019)
- DisciplesNet Worship #454: Epiphany 7 (Smith 02.17.2019)
- DisciplesNet Worship #455: Epiphany 8 (Shaw 02.24.2019)
- DisciplesNet Worship #456: Epiphany 9 (Borschel 03.03.2019)
- DisciplesNet Worship #457: Lent 1 (Shaw 03.10.2019)
- DisciplesNet Worship #458: Lent 2 (Smith 03.17.2019)
- DisciplesNet Worship #459: Lent 3 Huber ( 03.24.2019)
- DisciplesNet Worship #460: Lent 4 Grogan ( 03.31.2019)
- DisciplesNet Worship #461: Lent 5 Shaw ( 04.07.2019)
- DisciplesNet Worship #462: Palm-Passion Sunday (staff 04.14.2019)
- DisciplesNet Worship #463: Easter Sunday (Smith 04.21.2019)
- DisciplesNet Worship #464: Easter 2 (Nirmal 04.28.2019)
- DisciplesNet Worship #465: Easter 3 (Shaw 05.05.2019)
- DisciplesNet Worship #466: Easter 4 (Smith 05.12.2019)
- DisciplesNet Worship #467: Easter 5 (Propes 05.19.2019)
- DisciplesNet Worship #468: Easter 6 (Cobb 05.26.2019)
- DisciplesNet Worship #469: Easter 7 (Shaw 06.02.2019)
- DisciplesNet Worship #470: Pentecost (Gourdet 06.09.2019)
- DisciplesNet Worship #471: Pentecost+1 (Nirmal 06.16.2019)
- DisciplesNet Worship #472: Pentecost+2 (Propes 06.23.2019)
- DisciplesNet Worship #473: Pentecost+3 (Shaw 06.30.2019)
- DisciplesNet Worship #474: Pentecost+4 (Allen 07.07.2019)
- DisciplesNet Worship #475: Pentecost+5 (Munsterman 07.14.2019)
- DisciplesNet Worship #476: Pentecost+6 (D.Phelps 07.21.2019)
- DisciplesNet Worship #477: Pentecost+7 (Smith 07.28.2019)
- DisciplesNet Worship #478: Pentecost+8 (Propes 08.04.2019)
- DisciplesNet Worship #479: Proper 14 (Smith 08.11.2019)
- DisciplesNet Worship #480: Proper 15 (Smith 08.18.2019)
- DisciplesNet Worship #481: Proper 16 (Smith 08.25.2019)
- DisciplesNet Worship #482: Proper 17 (Smith 09.01.2019)
- DisciplesNet Worship #483: Proper 18 (Edwards 09.08.2019)
- DisciplesNet Worship #484: Proper 19 (Borschel 09.15.2019)
- DisciplesNet Worship #485: Proper 20 (Grogan 09.22.2019)
- DisciplesNet Worship #486: Proper 21 (Johnson 09.29.2019)
- DisciplesNet Worship #487: Proper 22 (Shaw 10.06.2019)
- DisciplesNet Worship #488: Proper 23 (Lewis 10.13.2019)
- DisciplesNet Worship #489: Proper 24 (Smith 10.20.2019)
- DisciplesNet Worship #490: Proper 25 (Phelps 10.27.2019)
- DisciplesNet Worship #491: Proper 26 (Laity 11.03.2019)
- DisciplesNet Worship #492: Proper 27 (Phelps 11.10.2019)
- DisciplesNet Worship #493: Proper 28 (Smith 11.17.2019)
- DisciplesNet Worship #494: Reign of Christ (Shaw 11.24.2019)
- DisciplesNet Worship #495: Advent 1 (Smith 12.01.2019)
- DisciplesNet Worship #496: Advent 2 (Shaw 12.08.2019)
- DisciplesNet Worship #497: Advent 3 (Smith 12.15.2019)
- DisciplesNet Worship #498: Advent 4 (Phelps 12.22.2019)
- DisciplesNet Worship #499: Christmas 1 (Propes 12.29.2019)
- DisciplesNet Worship #500: Epiphany (Smith 01.05.2020)
- DisciplesNet Worship #501: Epiphany+1 (Smith 01.12.2020)
- DisciplesNet Worship #502: Epiphany+2 (Smith 01.19.2020)
- DisciplesNet Worship #503: Epiphany+3 (Smith 01.26.2020)
- DisciplesNet Worship #504: Epiphany+4 (Smith 02.02.2020)
- DisciplesNet Worship #505: Epiphany+5 (Smith 02.09.2020)
- DisciplesNet Worship #506: Epiphany+6 (Borschel 02.16.2020)
- DisciplesNet Worship #507: Transfiguration (Shaw 02.23.2020)
- DisciplesNet Worship #508: Ash Wednesday (Smith 02.26.2020)
- DisciplesNet Worship #509: Lent 1 (Dn.Phelps 03.01.2020)
- DisciplesNet Worship #510: Lent 2 (Smith 03.08.2020)
- DisciplesNet Worship #511: Lent 3 (Shaw 03.15.2020)
- DisciplesNet Worship #512: Lent 4 (Phelps 03.22.2020)
- DisciplesNet Worship #513: Lent 4 (Phelps 03.22.2020)
- DisciplesNet Worship #514: Lent 5 (Watkins 03.29.2020)
- DisciplesNet Worship #515: Palm Sunday (Smith 04.05.2020)
- DisciplesNet Worship #516: Easter Sunday (Hord Owens 04.12.2020)
- DisciplesNet Worship #517: Second Sunday of Easter (Cobb 04.19.2020)
- DisciplesNet Worship #518: Third Sunday of Easter (Phelps 04.26.2020)
- DisciplesNet Worship #519: Fourth Sunday of Easter (Shaw 05.03.2020)
- DisciplesNet Worship #520: Fifth Sunday of Easter (Grogan 05.10.2020)
- DisciplesNet Worship #521: Sixth Sunday of Easter (Propes 05.17.2020)
- DisciplesNet Worship #522: Seventh Sunday of Easter (Cobb 05.24.2020)
- DisciplesNet Worship #523: Pentecost (Hord-Owens 05.31.2020)
- DisciplesNet Worship #524: Trinity (Phelps 06.07.2020)
- DisciplesNet Worship #525: Proper 6 (Smith 06.14.2020)
- DisciplesNet Worship #526: Proper 7 (Shaw 06.21.2020)
- DisciplesNet Worship #527: Proper 8 (Cobb 06.28.2020)
- DisciplesNet Worship #528: Proper 9 (Phelps 07.05.2020)
- DisciplesNet Worship #529: Proper 10 (Shaw 07.12.2020)
- DisciplesNet Worship #530: Proper 11 (Smith 07.19.2020)
- DisciplesNet Worship #531: Proper 12 (Cobb 07.26.2020)
- DisciplesNet Worship #532: Proper 13 (D. Phelps 08.02.2020)
- DisciplesNet Worship #533: Proper 14 (J.Jackson.Jr 08.09.2020)
- DisciplesNet Worship #534: Proper 15 (Phelps 08.16.2020)
- DisciplesNet Worship #535: Proper 16 (Smith 08.23.2020)
- DisciplesNet Worship #536: Proper 17 (Grogan 08.30.2020)
- DisciplesNet Worship #537: Proper 18 (Phelps 09.06.2020)
- DisciplesNet Worship #538: Proper 19 (Smith 09.13.2020)
- DisciplesNet Worship #539: Proper 20 (Cobb 09.20.2020)
- DisciplesNet Worship #540: Proper 21 (Shaw 09.27.2020)
- DisciplesNet Worship #541: Proper 22 (Smith 10.04.2020)
- DisciplesNet Worship #542: Proper 23 (Phelps 10.11.2020)
- DisciplesNet Worship #543: Proper 24-Children’s Sabbath (Spencer 10.18.2020)
- DisciplesNet Worship #544: Proper 25 (Grogan 10.25.2020)
- DisciplesNet Worship #545: Proper 26-All Saints (Borschel11.01.2020)
- DisciplesNet Worship #546: Proper 27- (Propes11.08.2020)
- DisciplesNet Worship #547: Proper 28- (Staff 11.15.2020)
- DisciplesNet Worship #548: Reign of Christ (Smith 11.22.2020)
- DisciplesNet Worship #549: Advent 1 (Cobb 11.29.2020)
- DisciplesNet Worship #550: Advent 2 (Shaw 12.06.2020)
- DisciplesNet Worship #551: Advent 3 (Phelps 12.13.2020)
- DisciplesNet Worship #552: Advent 4 (Smith 12.20.2020)
- DisciplesNet Worship #553: Christmas (Grogan 12.25.2020)
- DisciplesNet Worship #554: Christmas 2 (Borschel 01.03.2021)
- DisciplesNet Worship #555: Epiphany (Shaw 01.10.2021)
- DisciplesNet Worship #556: Epiphany 2 (Cobb 01.17.2021)
- DisciplesNet Worship #557: Epiphany 3 (Phelps 01.24.2021)
- DisciplesNet Worship #558: Epiphany 4 (Smith 01.31.2021)
- DisciplesNet Worship #559: Epiphany 5 (Phelps 02.07.2021)
- DisciplesNet Worship #560: Transfiguration (Borschel 02.14.2021)
- DisciplesNet Worship #561: Ash Wednesday (Phelps 02.17.2021)
- DisciplesNet Worship #562: Lent 1 (Smith 02.21.2021)
- DisciplesNet Worship #563: Lent 2 (Shaw 02.28.2021)
- DisciplesNet Worship #564: Lent 3 (Cobb 03.07.2021)
- DisciplesNet Worship #565: Lent 4 (Phelps 03.14.2021)
- DisciplesNet Worship #566: Lent 5 (Smith 03.21.2021)
- DisciplesNet Worship #567: Palm/Passion Sunday (Shaw 03.28.2021)
- DisciplesNet Worship #568: Easter Sunday (Cobb 04.04.2021)
- DisciplesNet Worship #569: Easter 2 (Nirmal 04.11.2021)
- DisciplesNet Worship #570: Easter 3 (Phelps 04.18.2021)
- DisciplesNet Worship #571: Easter 4 (Smith 04.25.2021)
- DisciplesNet Worship #572: Easter 5 (Grogan 05.02.2021)
- DisciplesNet Worship #573: Easter 6 (Phelps 05.09.2021)
- DisciplesNet Worship #574: Easter 7 (Cobb 05.16.2021)
- DisciplesNet Worship #575: Pentecost (Nirmal 05.23.2021)
- DisciplesNet Worship #576: Trinity Sunday (Grogan 05.30.2021)
- DisciplesNet Worship #577: Ascension (Shaw 06.06.2021)
- DisciplesNet Worship #578: Proper B6 (Smith 06.13.2021)
- DisciplesNet Worship #579: Proper B7 (Cobb 06.20.2021)
- DisciplesNet Worship #580: Proper B8 (Webb 06.27.2021)
- DisciplesNet Worship #581: Proper B9 (Phelps 07.04.2021)
- DisciplesNet Worship #582: Proper B10 (Smith 07.11.2021)
- DisciplesNet Worship #583: Proper B11 (Barkhauer 07.18.2021)
- DisciplesNet Worship #584: Proper B12 (Shaw 07.25.2021)
- DisciplesNet Worship #585: Proper B13 (Cobb 08.01.2021)
- DisciplesNet Worship #586: Proper B14 (Phelps 08.08.2021)
- DisciplesNet Worship #587: Proper B15 (Phelps 08.15.2021)
- DisciplesNet Worship #588: Proper B16 (Shaw 08.22.2021)
- DisciplesNet Worship #589: Proper B17 (Smith 08.29.2021)
- DisciplesNet Worship #590: Proper B18 (Shaw 09.05.2021)
- DisciplesNet Worship #591: Proper B19 (Borschel 09.12.2021)
- DisciplesNet Worship #592: Proper B20 (Cobb 09.19.2021)
- DisciplesNet Worship #593: Proper B21 (Perkins 09.26.2021)
- DisciplesNet Worship #594: Proper B22 (Mullen 10.03.2021)
- DisciplesNet Worship #595: Proper B23 (Smith10.10.2021)
- DisciplesNet Worship #596: Proper B24 (Shaw 10.17.2021)
- DisciplesNet Worship #597: Proper B25 (Webb 10.24.2021)
- DisciplesNet Worship #598: Proper B26 (Allen 10.31.2021)
- DisciplesNet Worship #599: Proper B27 (Cobb 11.07.2021)
- DisciplesNet Worship #600: Anniversary (various 11.14.2021)
- DisciplesNet Worship #601: Reign of Christ (Smith 11.21.2021)
- DisciplesNet Worship #602: Advent 1 (Shaw 11.28.2021)
- DisciplesNet Worship #603: Advent 2 (Webb 12.05.2021)
- DisciplesNet Worship #604: Advent 3 (Cobb 12.12.2021)
- DisciplesNet Worship #605: Advent 4 (Smith 12.19.2021)
- DisciplesNet Worship #606: Blue Christmas (Mullen Borschel 12.21.2021)
- DisciplesNet Worship #607: Christmas 1 (Cobb 12.26.2021)
- DisciplesNet Worship #608: Christmas 2 (Walker-Dycus 1.2.2022)
- DisciplesNet Worship #609: Baptism of Christ (Phelps 1.9.2022)
- DisciplesNet Worship #610: Epiphany 2 (Borschel 1.16.2022)
- DisciplesNet Worship #611: Epiphany 3 (Shaw 1.23.2022)
- DisciplesNet Worship #612: Epiphany 4 (Smith 1.30.2022)
- DisciplesNet Worship #613: Epiphany 5 (Cobb 2.6.2022)
- DisciplesNet Worship #614: Epiphany 6 (Shaw 2.13.2022)
- DisciplesNet Worship #615: Epiphany 7 (Smith2.20.2022)
- DisciplesNet Worship #616: Transfiguration (Mullen 2.27.2022)
- DisciplesNet Worship #617: Lent 1 (Phelps 3.6.2022)
- DisciplesNet Worship #618: Lent 2 (Smith 3.13.2022)
- DisciplesNet Worship #619: Lent 3 (Cobb 3.20.2022)
- DisciplesNet Worship #620: Lent 4 (Shaw 3.27.2022)
- DisciplesNet Worship #621: Lent 5 (Mullen 4.03.2022)
- DisciplesNet Worship #622: Palm/Passion Sunday (Staff 4.10.2022)
- DisciplesNet Worship #623: Easter (Phelps 4.13.2022)
- DisciplesNet Worship #624: Easter 2 (Smith 4.24.2022)
- DisciplesNet Worship #625: Easter 3 (Cobb 5.1.2022)
- DisciplesNet Worship #626: Easter 4 (Shaw 5.8.2022)
- DisciplesNet Worship #627: Easter 5 (Propes 5.15.2022)
- DisciplesNet Worship #628: Easter 6 (Webb 5.22.2022)
- DisciplesNet Worship #629: Easter 7 (Shaw 5.29.2022)
- DisciplesNet Worship #630: Pentecost (Phelps 6.05.2022)
- DisciplesNet Worship #631: Trinity Sunday (Nirmal 6.12.2022)
- DisciplesNet Worship #632: Proper 7 (Propes 6.19.2022)
- DisciplesNet Worship #633: Proper 8 (Shaw 6.26.2022)
- DisciplesNet Worship #634: Proper 9 (James 7.3.2022)
- DisciplesNet Worship #635: Proper 10 (Munsterman 7.10.2022)
- DisciplesNet Worship #636: Proper 11 (Cobb 7.17.2022)
- DisciplesNet Worship #637: Proper 12 (Shaw 7.24.2022)
- DisciplesNet Worship #638: Proper 13 (SMith 7.31.2022)
- DisciplesNet Worship #639: Proper 14 (Propes 8.7.2022)
- DisciplesNet Worship #640: Proper 15 (Smith 8.14.2022)
- DisciplesNet Worship #641: Proper 16 (Osvorrne 8.21.2022)
- DisciplesNet Worship #642: Proper 17 (Huber 8.28.2022)
- DisciplesNet Worship #643: Proper 18 (Smith 9.04.2022)
- DisciplesNet Worship #644: Proper 19 (Cobb 9.11.2022)
- DisciplesNet Worship #645: Proper 20 (Nirmal 9.18.2022)
- DisciplesNet Worship #646: Proper 21 (Shaw 9.25.2022)
- DisciplesNet Worship #647: Proper 22 (Smith 10.2.2022) World Communion Sunday
- DisciplesNet Worship #648: Proper 23 (Cobb 10.9.2022)
- DisciplesNet Worship #649: Proper 24 (Grogan 10.16.2022)
- DisciplesNet Worship #650: Proper 25 (Smith 10.23.2022)
- DisciplesNet Worship #651: Proper 26C All Saints (Shaw 10.30.2022)
- DisciplesNet Worship #652: Proper 27C (Phelps 11.06.2022)
- DisciplesNet Worship #653: Proper 28C Anniversary (Phelps 11.13.2022)
- DisciplesNet Worship #654: Thanksgiving & Reign of Christ C (Borschel 11.20.2022)
- DisciplesNet Worship #655: Advent A1 – Hope – (Shaw 11.27.2022)
- DisciplesNet Worship #656: Advent A2 – Peace – (Cobb 12.04.2022)
- DisciplesNet Worship #657: Advent A3 – Joy – (Smith 12.11.2022)
- DisciplesNet Worship #658: Advent A4 – Love – (Smith 12.18.2022)
- DisciplesNet Worship #659: Christmas Day – (Smith 12.25.2022)
- DisciplesNet Worship #660: New Year’s Day – (Spaulding 1.1.2023)
- DisciplesNet Worship #661: Epiphany – (Shaw 1.8.2023)
- DisciplesNet Worship #662: Epiphany 2 – (Grogan 1.15.2023)
- DisciplesNet Worship #663: Epiphany 3 – (Smith 1.22.2023)
- DisciplesNet Worship #664: Epiphany 4 – (Raley 1.29.2023)
- DisciplesNet Worship #665: Epiphany 5 – (Shaw 2.5.2023)
- DisciplesNet Worship #666: Epiphany 6 – (Borschel 2.12.2023)
- DisciplesNet Worship #667: Epiphany 7 – (D.Phelps 2.19.2023)
- DisciplesNet Worship #668: Ash Wednesday 2023 – (Staff 2.22.2023)
- DisciplesNet Worship #669: Lent 1 – (Smith 2.26.2023)
- DisciplesNet Worship #670: Lent 2 – (Shaw 3.05.2023)
- DisciplesNet Worship #671: Lent 3 – (Cobb 3.12.2023)
- DisciplesNet Worship #672: Lent 4 – (Phelps 3.19.2023)
- DisciplesNet Worship #673: Lent 5 – (Mullen 3.26.2023)
- DisciplesNet Worship #674: Palm/Passion Sunday – (Shaw 4.2.2023)
- DisciplesNet Worship #675: Easter Sunday – (Smith 4.9.2023)
- DisciplesNet Worship #676: Easter 2 – (Spleth 4.16.2023)
- DisciplesNet Worship #677: Easter 3 – (Shaw 4.23.2023)
- DisciplesNet Worship #678: Easter 4 – (Mullen 4.30.2023)
- DisciplesNet Worship #679: Easter 5 – (Phelps 5.07.2023)
- DisciplesNet Worship #680: Easter 6 – (Cobb 5.14.2023)
- DisciplesNet Worship #681: Easter 7 – (Nirmal 5.21.2023)
- DisciplesNet Worship #682: Pentecost A – (Smith 5.28.2023)
- DisciplesNet Worship #683: Trinity Sunday A – (Phelps 6.04.2023)
- DisciplesNet Worship #684: Proper 5A – (Cobb 6.11.2023)
- DisciplesNet Worship #685: Proper 6A – (Smith 6.18.2023)
- DisciplesNet Worship #686: Proper 7A – (Mullen 6.25.2023)
- DisciplesNet Worship #687: Proper 8A – (Shaw 7.02.2023)
- DisciplesNet Worship #688: Proper 9A – (Borschel 7.09.2023)
- DisciplesNet Worship #689: Proper 10A – (Cobb 7.16.2023)
- DisciplesNet Worship #690: Proper 11A – (Mullen 7.23.2023)
- DisciplesNet Worship #691: Proper 12A – (Shaw 7.30.2023)
- DisciplesNet Worship #692: Proper 13A – (Dean Phelps 8.06.2023)
- DisciplesNet Worship #693: Proper 14A – (Borschel 8.13.2023)
- DisciplesNet Worship #694: Proper 15A – (Mullen 8.20.2023)
- DisciplesNet Worship #695: Proper 16A – (Perkins 8.27.2023)
- DisciplesNet Worship #696: Proper 17A – (Shaw 9.03.2023)
- DisciplesNet Worship #697: Proper 18A – (Phelps 9.10.2023)
- DisciplesNet Worship #698: Proper 19A – (Smith 9.17.2023)
- DisciplesNet Worship #699: Proper 20A – (Mullen 9.24.2023)
- DisciplesNet Worship #700: Proper 21A – (Perkins 10.01.2023)
- DisciplesNet Worship #701: Proper 22A – (Smith10.08.2023)
- DisciplesNet Worship #702: Proper 23A – (Phelps 10.15.2023)
- DisciplesNet Worship #703: Proper 24A – (Shaw 10.22.2023)
- DisciplesNet Worship #704: Proper 25A – (Cobb 10.29.2023)
- DisciplesNet Worship #705: Proper 26A – (Mullen 11.05.2023)
- DisciplesNet Worship #706: Proper 27A – (Shaw 11.12.2023) 13th Anniversary
- DisciplesNet Worship #707: Proper 28A – (Phelps 11.19.2023)
- DisciplesNet Worship #708: Reign of Christ A – (Cobb 11.26.2023)
- DisciplesNet Worship #709: Advent 1B – (Smith 12.03.2023)
- DisciplesNet Worship #710: Advent 2B – (Shaw 12.10.2023)
- DisciplesNet Worship #711: Advent 3B – (Mullen12.17.2023)
- DisciplesNet Worship #712: Advent 4B/Christmas – (Smith 12.24.2023)
- DisciplesNet Worship #713: Christmas 1 – (Cobb 12.31.2023)
- DisciplesNet Worship #714: Epiphany – (Phelps 1.07.2024)
- DisciplesNet Worship #715: Epiphany 2 – (Borschel 1.14.2024)
- DisciplesNet Worship #716: Epiphany 3 – (Shaw 1.21.2024)
- DisciplesNet Worship #717: Epiphany 4 – (Mullen1.28.2024)
- DisciplesNet Worship #718: Epiphany 5 – (Phelps 2.04.2024)
- DisciplesNet Worship #719: Epiphany 6 – (Borschel 2.11.2024)
- DisciplesNet Worship #720: Lent 1 – (Smith 2.18.2024)
- DisciplesNet Worship #721: Lent 2 – (Mullen 2.25.2024)
- DisciplesNet Worship #722: Lent 3 – (Shaw 3.03.2024)
- DisciplesNet Worship #723: Lent 4 – (Phelps 3.10.2024)
- DisciplesNet Worship #724: Lent 5 – (Cobb 3.17.2024)
- DisciplesNet Worship #725: Palm/Passion Sunday – (Mullen 3.24.2024)
- DisciplesNet Worship #726: Easter Sunday – (Phelps 3.31.2024)
- DisciplesNet Worship #727: Easter 2 – (Mullens 4.7.2024)
- DisciplesNet Worship #728: Easter 3 – (Shaw 4.14.2024)
- DisciplesNet Worship #729: Easter 4 – (Cobb 4.21.2024)
- DisciplesNet Worship #730: Easter 5 – (Mullen 4.28.2024)
- DisciplesNet Worship #731: Easter 6 – (Phelps 5.05.2024)
- DisciplesNet Worship #732: Easter 7 – (Cobb 5.12.2024)
- DisciplesNet Worship #733: Pentecost – (Phelps 5.19.2024)
- DisciplesNet Worship #734: Trinity Sunday – (Mullen 5.26.2024)
- DisciplesNet Worship #735: Proper 4 – (Borschel 6.02.2024)
- DisciplesNet Worship #736: Proper 5 – (Gilvin 6.09.2024)
- DisciplesNet Worship #737: Proper 6 – (Borschel 6.16.2024)
- DisciplesNet Worship #738: Proper 7 – (Shaw 6.23.2024)
- DisciplesNet Worship #739: Proper 8 – (Mullen 6.30.2024)
- DisciplesNet Worship #740: Proper 9 – (Phelps 7.07.2024)
- DisciplesNet Worship #741 Proper 10 – (Shaw 7.14.2024)
- DisciplesNet Worship #742 Proper 11 – (D.Phelps 7.21.2024)
- DisciplesNet Worship #743 Proper 12 – (Mullen 7.28.2024)
- DisciplesNet Worship #744 Proper 13 – (Shaw 8.04.2024)
- DisciplesNet Worship #745 Proper 14 – (Borschel 8.11.2024)
- DisciplesNet Worship #746 Proper 15 – (Cobb 8.18.2024)
- DisciplesNet Worship #747 Proper 16 – (Mullen 8.25.2024)
- DisciplesNet Worship #748 Proper 17 – (Smith 9.01.2024)
- DisciplesNet Worship #749 Proper 18 – (Shaw 9.08.2024)
- DisciplesNet Worship #750 Proper 19 – (Borschel 9.15.2024)
- DisciplesNet Worship #751 Proper 20 – (Smith 9.22.2024)
- DisciplesNet Worship #752 Proper 21 – (Shaw 9.29.2024)
- DisciplesNet Worship #753 World Communion Sunday – (Cobb 10.06.2024)
- DisciplesNet Worship #754 Proper 23 – (Wright 10.13.2024)
- DisciplesNet Worship #755 Proper 24 – (Shaw 10.20.2024)
- DisciplesNet Worship #756 Proper 25 – (Webb 10.27.2024)
- DisciplesNet Worship #757 All Saints Day – (Borschel 11.03.2024)
- DisciplesNet Worship #758 DisciplesNet Anniversary – (Staff 11.10.2024)
- DisciplesNet Worship #759 Proper B28 – (Smith 11.17.2024)
- DisciplesNet Worship #760 Christ the King Sunday – (Smith 11.24.2024)
- DisciplesNet Worship #761 Advent 1 – (Shaw 12.01.2024)
- DisciplesNet Worship #762 Advent 2 – (Webb 12.08.2024)
- DisciplesNet Worship #763 Advent 3 – (Cobb 12.15.2024)
- DisciplesNet Worship #764 Advent 4 – (Smith 12.22.2024)
- DisciplesNet Worship #765 Christmas 1 – (Shaw 12.29.2024)
- DisciplesNet Worship #766 Christmas 2 – (Mullen 01.05.2025)
- DisciplesNet Worship #767 Baptism of Jesus – (Phelps 01.12.2025)
- DisciplesNet Worship #768 Epiphany 2 – (Borschel 01.19.2025)
- DisciplesNet Worship #769 Epiphany 3 – (Smith 01.26.2025)
- DisciplesNet Worship #770 Epiphany 4 – (Cobb 02.02.2025)
- DisciplesNet Worship 04.27.2014
- DisciplesNet Worship for June 2, 2013: Propes, repeat of Worship #16
- Ending Racism Special (for Martin Luther King Day, 2016)
- Giving Thanks
- Seasonal Worship Services and Resources
- Special for Thursday Chapel at Phillips Seminary
- Special Tribute: Audrey Borschel, DisciplesNet Worship #108, “Remembering the Saints,” (Borschel, 11.04.2012)