Finding What is Lost, by Marci McGowan
From The Better Way, by Marci McGowan:
Luke 15: 7-9
“Or supposed a women had ten silver coins, and loses one. Doesn't she light a lamp, sweep the house, and search carefully until she finds it?”
New International Version
Recently I had been looking everywhere for one sandal from a favorite pair of flip-flops that I own. I had taken them with me on a retreat weekend. Now I feared that I had accidentally thrown one in the trash or that my puppy, Buddy, had had a shoe lunch. My husband offered to help me find them. I had told him I tried sweeping underneath the sofa, in our dining room. I was not able to locate the missing sandal.
So, hubby got on the floor, and with a flashlight, looked under the sofa. He said that it was way in the back, and I would not have seen it. He retrieved the missing sandal! I was so relieved that it was not Buddy or that I had not thrown it out after all.
If you are like me, it is not so unusual to lose things. So what does this common event have to do with our faith? Well, for one I could definitely relate to the woman that Jesus told about who had found her missing coin. I found myself posting on Facebook that I had found the lost sandal! Also I was so grateful to my husband who cared enough to help me keep looking.
And, like the sandal that was there all the time, I was reminded that sometimes in our faith we just have to dig deeper and persist longer so that we can find what is waiting there for us, through the grace of God. Sometimes it is only when we seek with all of our resources that we finally find it is what is there all the time.
What is it that you are seeking today?
Dear God, thank you for helping us as we seek with all our hearts to know you. Thank you that you are always present with us, even when we lose sight of you, forget, or ignore you. Thank you that we have the privilege of coming to know you and your ways. In Jesus' name, Amen.
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