Pieces of Christmas 2019 – a devotion by Marci McGowan
Again Jesus spoke to them, saying, “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness but will have the light of life.”
John 8:12
From The New Revised Standard Edition Bible
Today, we light the third candle of Advent. It is the Sunday for Joy. I have been feeling anything but joy this season. Too many things have been calling for my attention. My husband had a three hour long doctor appointment, with labs. I have had to work every single day this past week. All my days off got eliminated. Right before the Thanksgiving holiday, coworkers have been putting up Christmas decorations all over the retreat center. When we got back from the Thanksgiving holiday, the retreat center had turned into Christmas decorations all over the place. My coworkers were in a hustle and bustle hurry to make sure everything was in its place for the guests to arrive on December 1, 2019. Everything was lit up and brilliant. Tonight, Sunday, December 15, 2019, my husband fell on our bedroom floor as he was making his way to the bed. He said the cane he had came apart.
He was describing my current life situation, and not even knowing it! We have been in a scramble trying to get some household business done, before the end of the year in 2019. Our 2018 taxes had been rejected due to a numerical error that my husband had made in filing. We have been frantically trying to reconcile the taxes so I can get the tax credits for my healthcare insurance in 2020. Then, when I was in another room, a coke bottle spilled onto some bed coverings, which had to be washed and dried. I figured they probably needed cleaning, anyways. I have not wanted to listen secular Christmas music during this extremely busy season. I do turn the music volume up when it is religiously oriented, such as “Silent Night.” I have also been learning “Silent Night” and “Away in a Manger” on my Dobro guitar. It is a learning process! Perhaps that is how we need to view Christmas. Not as extreme “buy all the gifts and toys in the world for happiness;” but as a soft and quiet Calm in the night. I have found another piece of the cane on the passenger side of my car.
That is where husband was sitting on Friday night when we were frantically trying to complete errands, before the closing hour of 5 pm on a Friday. So sit back and take a deep breath. Christmas is going to come, in a beautiful mess. It is in our perspective that decides on it being a joyful time as well. It is OK to cry and be sad during the Christmas season. When that happens, take some for yourself to be in the quiet. Jesus did not come amidst the clanging and banging of symbols and loud musical instruments. He came in the silent quiet. It is up to you to decide how you will accept this gift of Jesus for Christmas 2019. He is the light who shines in the darkness. He is also the hope who comes in a time of distress. Be a blessing to yourself and to others during the Christmas time of 2019.
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