Raw Courage by Marci McGowan
“Does dying hurt?” said Piglet to Pooh. “I don’t know.” said Pooh
to Piglet. “I think it’s something you have to push through.” “Oh,”
said Piglet. “Both sets of my grandparents are dead.” said Piglet.
“Have you ever read that book, Jonathan Livingston Seagull?”
asked Piglet. “I did.” said Pooh. “I felt so different after I read it,”
said Piglet. “And I decided some things have no answers; and
that is ok. “True.” said Pooh. “Pooh,” said Piglet. “What is raw
courage?” Pooh said “It’s flying in the face of scared.” “Pooh,
said Piglet, “I don’t like being scared...that’s when I grab your
hand and hold on.” “True.” said Pooh. “I hold onto to your hand
when I feel scared. And the scaries don’t seem so scary, “ said
Pooh and Piglet by A.A. Milne. Words by Marci McGowan
Be strong and courageous! Don’t tremble! Don’t be afraid of
them! The Lord your God is the one who is going with you. He
won’t abandon you or leave you.”
Deuteronomy 31:6 From God’s Word Today
Back in July of 2012, I threw away a twelve year old pair of shoes.
The shoes were the only pair of shoes I came with other than a
pair of slippers. My sister had gotten mea pair of Hoka shoes; so
I knew it was time to throw the other pair away. We hang onto
things in our lives much longer than we need. I’m going to be
sorting and throwing out what is no longer purposeful in my life.
Sure, it is hard to throw things away that you no longer need.
Scary? You bet! We are more than the material things we
accumulate; and yet, so much more is the worth of our souls.
Back in July 2021, I made a really scary decision. My siblings
posed a question to me; “Move in with one of them, for a better
life and health; or keep the old way; and be a bag lady at 65.
When I came to Georgia; I did not take any of the furniture, it
would not have fit into the car. I had some clothes, I took my
Dobro guitar and banjo, my medicines, and my life. I left behind
my cat, Sophie. She had become my “Cattachment,” since she
would often climb onto my left shoulder. I could not bring her
because my sister’s rental place has a “no pets” policy. I told my
coworkers goodbye, and prepared, as best as I could, for a new
life start in Georgia. I also did not bring a lot of clothes with me.
Coming to Georgia, I had no job prospects which meant no
monetetial income. I had to find a part-time job in a totally new
town. I was at my sister’s shop one afternoon. We went to get
her mail; and I noticed a sign for a laundry attendant! We made a
stop inside the laundromat; and I now have another fun part time
job! I have been learning my way around the new to me city of
Georgia. This meant finding a local doctor, where the grocery
store is, pharmacy, church, and local library. I have been using a
maps application a lot! I am gradually getting used to this new
location. In November, my sister’s lease expires on the rental
place. She is looking forward to her new chapter of her own
house! I am also looking forward to the studio house that I will
have within a stone’s throw of her yard. It has not been easy
getting used to these new conditions. My sister and I have a
better relationship than the one we had in our childhoods.
Sometimes, you live in “muck and mire” for so long; that you
become nose blind and think the conditions you are living in are
normal. It took having some difficult phone conversations with a
caring brother and sister for me to realize that. I was not in a
better place when I left town. I feel I am in a better place of
courageous hope! I am looking forward towards the new and
brighter future which lies ahead. Simone Biles portrayed
excellence and strength in showing the Olympic Committee of
2021 that she was not mentally fit for her competitive event in
gymnastics. She became a courageous ambassador through
supporting and believing in her competitors. Her raw courage
shone through the whole Olympian timeframe. May we also rise
to the character of courage, when it comes calling for us to do so
in our current and future lives.
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