Sounds of the Holy Spirit – A devotion by Marci McGowan
“I didn’t tell you this earlier because I was with you everyday.
But now I am on my way to the One who sent me. Not one of you has asked, “Where are you going?” Instead, the longer I’ve talked, the sadder you’ve become. So let me say it again, this truth: It’s better for you that I leave. If I don’t leave, the Friend won’t come. But if I go, I’ll send him to you.”
John 4-7 The Message Bible
“If you love me, show it by doing what I’ve told you. I will talk to the Father, and he’ll provide you another Friend so that you will always have someone with you. This Friend is the Spirit of Truth. The godless world can’t take him in because it doesn’t have eyes to see him, doesn’t know what to look for. But you know him already because he has been staying with you and will even be in you!
John 14:15-20 The Message Bible
The Friend, the Holy Spirit whom the Father will send at my request, will make everything plain to you. He will remind you of all the things I have told you. I’m leaving you well and whole. That’s my parting gift to you. Peace. I don’t leave you the way you’re used to being left—feeling abandoned, bereft. So don’t be upset. Don’t be distraught.
John 14:26-27 The Message Bible
“Likewise, the Spirit helps us in our weakness. For we do not know what to pray for as we ought, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us with groanings too deep for words.”
Romans 8:26 The Message Bible
Names of the Holy Spirit
Counselor, Comforter, Advocate, Guide, Intercessor, Revealer, Teacher, Witness, and Friend
Some symbols of the Holy Spirit are a dove, a flame, wind, light rays, a cloud, water, and oil.
There has been a lot going on in the past few months. We lost a family legacy to heart trouble and old age in February of 2024. He was ninety-four. He was a previous Catholic abbot at the same place that my uncle is now the current abbot. Also, in February of 2024, my parents were involved in an accident that took place near the city library. They were sitting still, when someone ran into the back of them, and totaled their car. My Dad had to go to the hospital to receive healing; and my mom had whiplash and had to wear a neck brace and get physical therapy. The whole incident was extremely stressful on the family, as we held and kept their healing in prayer. Around the second week of April, my Arizona brother arrived, and spent a weekend, making sure everyone and everything was ok. All too soon; he had to leave early to make his flight on a Sunday morning. I told him later that I was hoping he would go to church with us, and then leave. He had other plans. My Abbot Uncle came in near the third week of April for a one-night visit and stay and spent the night at my parents’ place. He only had time to stay over one night. We went to the Mexican restaurant for a meal and to visit. All too soon, that ended. I gave my uncle a hug and told him to have safe travels. He had about a 5–6-hour drive ahead of him the next day. In my Bible study online class, we had finished up the book of Mark. I told the person that had been the class moderator that I did not find the book of Mark so scary or confusing. It is another narrative and outlook on the life of Jesus. My brother had gotten and set up a soundbar for my parents’ tv during his visit. I decided I wanted to get a soundbar or the equivalent of one, for surround sound in my area. I wanted to hear the deep bass and tonal sounds of different notes in the songs. I have a smart tv. I got an Alexa Fire Cube, only to find out it was not compatible with my television. So I took it back. I got another soundbar, which again, was not compatible with my television. I made another return on the second soundbar. The soundbar was supposed to give my tv a boost. The soundbar I have been trying to install on my smart television, was supposed to add depth and tonation to my music. I wanted the full surround sound experience. I will continue to explore other options in searching for the best surround sound for my home environment. God wants us to experience life, fully, to “the Max,” as it was said back in the days. The Holy Spirit is somewhat like the soundbar connection. It helps if you know how to listen. Sometimes, the sound of your life can be a loud exuberant bang, sometimes the quietness of an ocean wave coming on the shore, or even sometimes in the banter of a dog barking or a cat purring. How is the Holy Spirit talking to you in your life? Even sometimes the noises of technology can get in the way of the Holy Spirit’s message. Even though our services are “Live Streamed” at church, meaning services are recorded for future viewing; there has been no technology lately. The technology added another dimension to the service and expanded the communication level. I liked watching the visual slides and seeing the upcoming events that were going to be held. Sure, you can get the same information from the bulletin, but the church technology seemed to unify everyone at the service. Suppose for some reason, an individual was not able to pick up a bulletin for the week? How does the Holy Spirit talk with you? It helps if you know how to listen. How has the Holy Spirit been directing and guiding you through these times? How can you tell? We are moving into the season of Pentecost. The Holy Spirit came in fire and wind. What would it look and sound like in your life if the Holy Spirit was turned up on full volume? What would that feel like?
Continued blessings, and may you experience life in the Spirit on full blast! Marci
For a video of the song, Spirit of Gentleness by James Manley (on YouTube), click here.
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