The Catalyst – a devotion by Marci McGowan
noun: catalyst; plural noun: catalysts
- a substance that increases the rate of a chemical reaction without itself undergoing any permanent chemical change.a person or thing that precipitates an event.
- a person or thing that precipitates an event."the governor's speech acted as a catalyst for debate"
synonyms: stimulus, stimulation, spark, sparkplug, spur, incitement, impetus
Origin: early 20th century: from catalysis, on the pattern of analyst
verb: move; 3rd person present: moves; past tense: moved; past participle: moved; gerund or present participle: moving
- go in a specified direction or manner; change position.
"she stood up and moved to the door"
synonyms: go, walk, proceed, progress, advance- change the place or position of
"she moved the tray to a side table"
synonyms: carry, transport, transfer, shift
"he moved the chair closer to the fire" - change one's place of residence or work
"his family moved to London when he was a child"
synonyms: relocate, move away, change one's address, leave, go away, go down the road, decamp, pull up stakes
"she's moved to Rotterdam" - (of a player) change the position of a piece in a board game.
"White has forced his opponent to move"
- change the place or position of
- change or cause to change from one state, opinion, sphere, or activity to another.
"the school moved over to the new course in 1987"
synonyms: change, budge, shift one's ground, change one's tune, change one's mind, have second thoughts;- influence or prompt (someone) to do something.
"his deep love of music moved him to take lessons with Dr. Hill"
synonyms: inspire, prompt, stimulate, motivate, provoke, influence, rouse, induce, incite
"she was moved to act" - take action.
"hard-liners may yet move against him, but their success might be limited"
synonyms: take action, act, take steps, do something, take measures;
informal get moving
"he urged the council to move quickly" - provoke a strong feeling, especially of sorrow or sympathy, in.
"he was moved to tears by a get-well message from the president"
stir up (an emotion) in someone.
"he justly moves one's derision"
synonyms: affect, touch, impress, shake, upset, disturb, make an impression on
"I was deeply moved by the story"
- influence or prompt (someone) to do something.
- make progress; develop in a particular manner or direction.
"aircraft design had moved forward a long way"
synonyms: (make) progress, make headway, advance, develop
"things were moving too fast"- INFORMAL
depart; start off.
"let's move—it's time we started shopping" - INFORMAL
used to urge or command someone to hurry up.
"come on—move it!" - INFORMAL
go quickly.
"Kenny was really moving when he made contact with a tire at the hairpin and flipped over" - (with reference to merchandise) sell or be sold.
"despite the high prices, goods are moving"
- spend one's time or be socially active in (a particular sphere) or among (a particular group of people).
"they moved in different circles of friends"
synonyms: circulate, mix, socialize, keep company, associate;- informal hang out/around
"she moves in the art world"
- informal hang out/around
- propose for discussion and resolution at a meeting or legislative assembly.
"she intends to move an amendment to the bill"
synonyms: propose, submit, suggest, advocate, recommend, urge
"I move that we adjourn"- make a formal request or application to (a court or assembly) for something.
"his family moved the court for adequate “maintenance expenses” to run the household"
- make a formal request or application to (a court or assembly) for something.
verb: change; 3rd person present: changes; past tense: changed; past participle: changed; gerund or present participle: changing
- make or become different.
"a proposal to change the law"- move from one to another.
"she changed jobs incessantly"
synonyms: exchange, substitute, swap, switch, replace, alternate, interchange
"they've changed places"
antonyms: keep - move to a different train, airplane, or subway line.
- give up (something) in exchange for something else.
"we changed the shades for vertical blinds" - remove (something dirty or faulty) and replace it with another of the same kind.
"change a light bulb" - put a clean diaper on (a baby or young child).
- engage a different gear in a motor vehicle.
"wait for a gap and then change gears" - exchange (a sum of money) for the same amount in smaller denominations or in coins, or for different currency.
- put different clothes on.
- move from one to another.
Isaiah 11:1-9
From The Message Bible
A Green Shoot from Jesse’s Stump
A green Shoot will sprout from Jesse’s stump,
from his roots a budding Branch.
The life-giving Spirit of God will hover over him,
the Spirit that brings wisdom and understanding,
The Spirit that gives direction and builds strength,
the Spirit that instills knowledge and Fear-of-God.
will be all his joy and delight.
He won’t judge by appearances,
won’t decide on the basis of hearsay.
He’ll judge the needy by what is right,
render decisions on earth’s poor with justice.
His words will bring everyone to awed attention.
A mere breath from his lips will topple the wicked.
Each morning he’ll pull on sturdy work clothes and boots,
and build righteousness and faithfulness in the land.
This time of year is difficult to get through, sometimes. I had to make a move during the middle of my senior year in high school. I went from a big city high school to a small country high school. I graduated, but the summer of graduation I was lonely and without any friends, and still adjusting to life in a new area. I was starting my adulthood not knowing of the changes that were to come. My eighteenth year was just a start. My parents had a young adult living with them in the new house. I realize now that was an adjustment time for them, too.
Jesus made a drastic move to humanity. He also tried to move the culture time of his day to radical, new, and different ways of being, doing, and thinking. He kept trying to find a place he could call home. I am sure he there were times he felt like he did not fit in at all.
While the forced company move was not the best thing to ever happen in my life; it certainly made a difference in the way I saw the everydayness of life. Sometimes, you just have to make a way to get the outcomes that you would prefer.
The birth of Jesus was not a pretty sight. He was born in a smelly barn. The barn was the only ‘motel” that would put them up for the night. In the midst of all that crazy confusion, Jesus was born. He was the “catalyst” of Christianity; which would usher in a new way to consider the contemporary culture.
Sometimes, being forced out of your comfort zone can lead you to new and different ways that were never imagined before you came to this point. It did have an impact on my life. When you cannot see beyond where you are currently now, try shining a light on it; to find a different path. The move I had to make during my eighteenth year, eventually brought me to my husband. That alone, was worth all of the unknown directions that I could have taken.
When God gives you a new beginning, it often starts with an ending. Toby Mac, Christian Singer
Is there a new direction in your life that God is calling you?
How can you be the light of Christ during the Advent season of 2018?
Trying new things can be scary at times, but they are needed for new growth. How are you willing to get out of your comfort zone? How are you being called to grow in the New Year of 2019?
May you shine as the Light of Christ during a season of darkness.
May you bring hope, joy, and love.
Peace out and God bless,
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
December 2018
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