The Divine Seedling – Easter Season 2023

Seedling diagram from Google Docs: “seed.”
Seed: noun, The fertilized ripened ovule of a flowering plant containing an embryo and capable normally of germination to produce a new plant.
Verb: To bear or shed seed, to sow seed, to cover or permeate by or as if by scattering something.
Fruit: A product of plant growth, such as grain, vegetables, or cotton. The effect of consequence of an action or operation.
--Merriam Webster Dictionary
“The trees are bearing fruit again, Fear not, Earth! Be glad and celebrate! God has done great things. Fear not, wild animals! The fields and meadows are greening up. The trees are bearing fruit again, a bumper crop of fig trees and vines! Children of Zion, celebrate! Be glad in your God. He’s giving you a teacher to train you how to live right–Teaching, like rain out of heaven, showers of words to refresh and nourish your soul, just as he used to do. And plenty of food for your body–silos full of grain, casks of wine and barrels of olive oil.” – Joel 2:21-24 The Message Bible
Here in the USA, Spring has definitely sprung out all over the land! We have gone from the days of decreased light and darkness to the time of bountiful light. We are moving into the time of longer days with more light, and away from the Lent of Winter into the abundance of Easter light and joy!
A move across states to be closer to my parents, meaning a change in jobs, and also in faith communities that are close to where I live, have brought me on a continuing journey. Part of this journey has brought me back into the world of Catholicism, through their RCIA program for adults. RCIA stands for Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults into the Catholic faith. The classes started back in January of 2023. They were a review for the most part. It was nice to discover that the faith of my childhood has remained constant in these changing and exciting times of the future that we are currently living in.
My view of Jesus has expanded from that of being just an incredible person; to one of a “seed.” Jesus was called by God to plant new light and life in our personal darkness and the darkness of the world as well. God used Jesus to put forth His own light. Jesus was “planted’ upon the cross and rose to full victory into light on the third day! That alone is worth having hope for in life.
My sister has been on her own personal planting time; that of growing her own business. She has been here in the city for ten years! I will again be able to take communion. I have also been on a new job journey. It is hard to believe that in May I will have been at my workplace for six months.
My parents have also been on their own journey in life at their end-of-life stages. That time for them will be their own growing time, and their own journey to take. While it is hard for me to imagine them gone from this current life, my Catholic faith renewal and change that I’ve been undergoing during this Season of Lent, assures me that my sister, brother, and I will see them again. I have been enjoying the time we have been walking through the times together on their life’s path. Life, Death, and the promise of the Resurrection, and Change; is not that what the Christian life is all about?
Something I have learned is that just as there is a joy, or “Gaudete” Sunday in the season of Advent, there is also a joy Sunday in the season of Lent. Gaudete (pronounced ‘gow-DAY-tay’ or ‘gow DEE-tee’) nd means joy in Latin. Gaudete Sunday is the third Sunday of Lent. The priest wears a pink vestment, symbolizing joy, instead of the usual purple vestment for Lent. A vestment is an article of clothing worn by the priest, and the color of the vestment worn will change during the liturgical year.
I am feeling my journey to Jesus, the essence of Light and Love, is still continuing. He is the infinite source. May you come to know him better during this Easter Season of 2023.
Please do not get lost in all the preparations of this time of year. Please take some time to focus on the presence of God in your life. Jesus died in his humanity, but divinely rose. Be blessed as you experience the hope, health, and happiness of this magnificent season!
• How are you being called to plant things in your own life?
• How can you have a prosperous and joyful Easter season?
• What do you need to change in your life at this time?
-Easter blessings of Light and Love,
Glorious Day
Living, He loved me.
Dying. He saved me.
Buried, He carried my sins far away
Rising, He justified freely forever
One day He’s coming
Oh glorious day,
oh glorious day.’
--by John Wilbur Chapman (1910)
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