The Rain Fall – a Poem by Marci McGowan
It is raining.
And pitter patting on the drops. The cloudy weather is eclipsing the sun, And bringing forth moisture in the air.
It has been a long while since we have had rain, Softly, falling upon the Earth.
The rain is sweet.
It is much needed.
The clouds will go away.
Such as is the cycle of things to do so.
Weather is weather no matter what the storms Do bring, whether it may encompass rain or shine.
Moon shines brilliantly and is still there even in the midst of Rain drops.
Eventually, things will work towards the higher ground.
Enjoy, dance, and sing in the rain.
For however rare it seems to do so.
The inclement weather doest repeat.
So, too, the storms in life go through the sun cycle.
And hope lives on.
Views: 540, Words: 141