Walking by Faith, a Devotion by Marci McGowan
2 Corinthians 5:7
“Therefore, being always of good courage, and knowing that while we are at home in the body, we are absent from the Lord; for we walk by faith, not by sight. We are of good courage.” (New American Standard Bible)
Ssssssshhhhhhhh! God is at work!
Recently there have been a lot of uncertainties in my life. Mostly these have to do with jobs and getting by. My husband and I each keep trying to find work. We are hoping so much for even more, one that would have benefits. Right now I am waiting to hear back about a job at the place I worked before the accident when I shattered my shoulder.
Then there is the food stamp recertification process, so much paperwork and waiting. I know the letter has been received because I got a call from someone the other week. I sent out a thank you letter to the lady who interviewed me earlier this past week. I am trying the best I know how, but in all that happens, I have no control over what happens.
Have you ever been in that place before? For me life seems stuck at that place where people keep encouraging, “It's always darkest before the dawn,” and “For every door that closes, another door will open.” During this waiting time, it seems that nothing is going on that I can visibly see, despite everything we are trying.
So, I have been dealing with this--by walking. I've now managed to add another half mile to the walk, making the total I now walk each day to 4.5 miles. Because of the heat I am having to walk later in the day now.
With my walking, I have been able to see progress. I have also started turning the walking time into an active form of prayer. Sometimes it is hard to see what God is doing or not doing by human standards. Someone had to remind me recently that things happen in God's time. God doesn't need to follow some schedule I set or calendar I keep.
I am also seeing how God is providing during this endless difficult stretch. We have the food stamps until we get through with the recertification process. I am back on an assistance program which allows me to see the doctor and get medicine. My husband's application for help has not been processed yet, but I'm having faith that it will go through. I am learning firsthand how God's answers do not always agree with what I think or want. God's answers may be "not now," or "there's something better I have in mind for you," or in some cases, a very big "Yes!"
Also during this time, I have been active in working to help my church get ready for a fundraiser, benefitting our community assistance ministries and Habitat for Humanity. I've worked on some of the details, such getting banners and posters for advertisements and a band to play for the benefit. Getting ready for the benefit has been like putting a 3-D puzzle together, but it is coming together now, and businesses, individuals--and a band are coming to help.
As for my husband's job, I have faith he will eventually get something. At this point in time, I'm not sure as to what, where, or how his job or anything else will work out. I do know the hand of God and the power of prayer have been keeping me pushing on and walking on. I will get to my goal of those seven miles. I am even considering signing up for some 5ks (3 miles) walks here in town. I know that God is working. Even when we're not completely sure of the direction that God is steering us, sometimes we have to just help the faith along the way by keeping going, keeping on putting one foot ahead of the other, all while praying. This is what I call walking in faith.
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